Sixty people recently attended a pleasant Sunday afternoon high tea function to celebrate the end of one Rotary year in our club and the dawn of another. The photo shows outgoing President Kim (right) officially handing over the chain of office to Rob Fava who will lead the club for the next 12 months.
In his final address, President Kim expressed his thanks to all members and their partners for their wonderful support of him during the year. He proudly identified some of the many projects that we completed or have continued with during 2023-24.
President Rob thanked Kim for leading the club so well. He vowed to continue the fine work that has been achieved over the past few years and he hopes members will join him on that journey.
In addition to members and their partners, the function was attended by some dignitaries including 3 councillors from the Wyndham City Council, various Presidents from neighbouring clubs and the District Governor Nominee Graeme Hope.
Click here to view some photos of the afternoon.