The last meeting was devoted to a club forum. The contribution from members was constructive, healthy and passionate. Key topics of discussion were:
1. Bingo
Echo – Elderly Citizens Help Organisation Inc, has held a bingo operator license for about 30 years.
They have been running Bingo at ISCW for the last 5-6 years.
Echo, and the individuals who run the Monday night sessions, have had a parting of the ways, and no longer want to work together.
Michael Nazzari & his wife run the sessions, and the ISCW have suggested Werribee Rotary as a suitable replacement to Echo.
Werribee Rotary has asked Echo if they would be prepared to assign their license to us, but there has been no agreement at this stage.
Michael Nazzari, Ross Smith & Brian Ahmed addressed the club, and explained what the responsibilities are;
26 D9800 clubs hold a current Bingo license
Werribee Rotary would need to register for a license
One club member would need to be the nominee and is liable
Must maintain a separate bank account, and lodge a yearly return with VCGLR
No requirement for insurance, or audit of accounts
Financial liability to the club, if it allowed sessions to trade at a loss
There is a potential profit of more than $25,000 per year
Last Monday made $900 profit
The only concern expressed by members was that Werribee Rotary would be seen to be supporting gambling.
It was agreed that the Board progress its discussions, and keep the members informed.
2. Drought Relief for Farmers
District 9800 has set up a drought relief fund through RAWCS which is tax deductible, and 100 cents in the dollar will be distributed.
Pres Graham advised the Board will consider a contribution at the next meeting.
3. Membership
A number of members spoke during the discussion on how we increase membership. There were wide ranging views on how this should be achieved.
That if we focus on the social aspects of the club, members will come.
That the members need to nominate members for the membership committee to follow up.
That we need to focus on membership retention from existing members.
That we should have less guest speakers, and more social nights.
That we should have more/better guest speakers to make meeting nights interesting.
That younger generation members are interested in projects, not having a good social night
We don’t recognise member achievements.
We are desperately short of females.
That many members don’t know about many of the projects the club is doing.
That if you are going to invite a member as a guest, the night needs to make a big impression.
That we don’t hold enough social functions & partners are not involved.
It was agreed that if the total Werribee Rotary product was not good we won’t attract new members or retain existing ones.
We should have another discussion in a few weeks.