Congratulations to three members of the club who were awarded Paul Harris Fellows at the club changeover.
President Graham Roper presented two of the awards to the following past Presidents:
Ross Conley for his tremendous efforts in resurrecting the annual Golf Day to the point where it is now a major fund-raiser for the club. In the past two years, $60,000 has been raised. A considerable portion of this has been donated to the Werribee Mercy Hospital for their critical care unit and to Manor Court Aged Care for the purchase of furniture in their renovated dementia unit. Other local community groups have also received funding.
Rob Fava who was instrumental in coordinating with other Rotary clubs to raise funds for a new bore water system in Gulu, Uganda. He also provided invaluable assistance in remotely managing the project. Upon successful completion, the system has enabled the local community and school to have clean drinking water.
District Governor Bronwyn Stephens presented a Paul Harris Fellow, on behalf of District 9800, to Ian Hovey. This was in appreciation of the considerable work that he had undertaken over many years to provide high quality audio visual material at various District conferences.
All three recipients expressed their gratitude for being recognised in this way.