For the first 24 years of his working life, David Mullins was a mechanical maintenance engineer in the aviation industry. For many of these years, he was a diligent employee for the company, Hawker de Havilland but his heart wasn't really in it. He didn't see it as a long-term career. During this time, David took up photography as a hobby. Eventually, it became more than just a recreational pastime. He was starting to turn it into a business and he ultimately left his job to set up a visual arts operation called Relativity3D.
David, who lives in Point Cook with his wife and two sons, is now a freelance photographer with a great reputation for producing quality images. He provides Wyndham Council with many of the local images that they use for their official magazines and reports. He has also captured some tremendous photos of Melbourne and surrounds. Internationally, David loves to travel to Cambodia and other parts of Asia to photograph many impressive and unusual subjects. His extensive work is now being shown in various art galleries around the world.
But photography is only one string to his bow. He has also immersed himself in using very complex software to turn imagination into real life images and objects. He now has a massive collection of 3D images that he produces for many clients including architects and property developers. He has even done 3D modelling for a New York surgeon who wanted a 3D cross-sectional design of a human eye.
Another fantastic body of work is merging old images of Melbourne with new images. The results are quite amazing.
To top it all off, David now has a 3D printer which he uses to create exact replicas of items. He is now creating artificial hands for children that are sent to various parts of the world.
Click here to visit David's website where you will see the full extent of his talent and creativity.