WERN obtains second hand furniture, whitegoods, blankets, pillows, and household goods which are then made available to needy families at no cost. There are a wide range of people who access the services including people from broken marriages, victims of domestic violence, fires and emergency events or others who have fallen on hard times.
Currently about 55 support agencies such as church groups, aid agencies and social work groups pay a fee to be a member of WERN which allows them to bring 'clients' into WERN and select goods. The WERN member Rotary Clubs can also refer people in need to the system.
Over the past twelve months WERN has provided support to around 900 families.
WERN operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays each week, but is looking to open Mondays, and later Fridays. They are always seeking support from volunteers to undertake light duties, handyman duties, and general warehouse tasks.