Our Community Committee Director, Jason Daddy, advised that we have a busy time ahead in providing our brilliant BBQ services. This includes:
- BBQ breakfast at Relay for Life on Sunday 25th March.
- BBQ sausage sizzle at the Werribee Mercy Health Easter Fair on Sunday 25th March between 11am and 3pm.
- Bunnings BBQ on Easter Saturday (31st March).
- Mid-week BBQs at Bunnings once a month. There will be 10 of these throughout the year and each of them will be on a Thursday. Here is a list of the dates:
- February 22
- April 12 (School Hols)
- May 17
- June 14
- July 12 (School Hols)
- August 23
- September 20
- October 25
- November 15
- December 20 (School Hols)
Jason will be asking for our help for each of these events. Please contact him if you can volunteer for one or more of these.