We welcomed our new Assistant Governor Julianne Bartels at our last meeting. As one of District Governor Bronwyn's deputies, Julianne is keen to help resolve any issues that we may have during the year and to roll up her sleeves to support any of our projects.

Here are some of the basic details about Julianne:

  • She was born and raised in Werribee.
  • Her paternal grandfather worked for the State Research Farm and her maternal grandmother worked as a post-mistress in Werribee South.
  • Her father was a school teacher based for may years at Laverton.
  • She is very devoted to her family.
  • Twenty-five years ago, her husband David established a business which processed infringement notices.
  • Julianne is now the owner and principal director of that business.
  • She joined the Rotary Club of Melton Valley in 2008 because she wanted to help others less fortunate than her. She also loved the fellowship that Rotary offered.
  • One of her pet Rotary projects is Busy Feet, a dance and movement activity for children with intellectual and physical disabilities, aged 6 to16 years. She says it is a fantastic program.
  • She is also heavy involved in WERN (Western Emergency Relief Network) which our club is a member of.
  • Another project that she supports is End Trachoma which is aiming to eradicate the trachoma eye disease in aboriginal communities. She gets involved by accumulating packs of toiletries and distributing them to needy indigenous communities.
  • Several years ago, she became a founding member of the newly-established Rotary Club of Caroline Springs.
  • As AG, she will meet with the presidents of the Chirnside Cluster once a month to ensure that the lines of communication are kept open between the four neighbouring clubs.

In the same mould as the movie "ET", Julianne states that, if we have a problem or we need assistance, all we need to do is "phone home".

Julianne will be returning to our club in a couple of weeks when DG Bronwyn pays her official visit.