Rotary International was founded in Chicago on February 23, 1905.  Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million members across 35,000 clubs.  We believe that we have a shared responsibility to unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.  Our focus areas are promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies and helping our environment.  We do this by providing service to others, promoting integrity, and advancing world understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. 
During the months of July, August and September each year, Werribee Rotary invites applications from community groups for a grant.  Proposals should be for programs and projects that promote Rotary’s mission and ideals, enhances our community and promotes fairness, inclusiveness and diversity.
Consideration will be given to a wide range of programs and services that support the community.  To determine if your application meets the criteria, please refer to the various sections below. 


  • Grants will be available up to a maximum amount of $3,000
  • The applicant must be registered as an approved community organisation within Wyndham City Council
  • The project should directly benefit a larger number of persons or community groups with the Wyndham municipality
  • Applications can only be submitted for consideration between July and October each year
  • Approved applications will be awarded in November
  • Werribee Rotary would normally expect that completion of any approved projects would occur by June of the following year although, in special cases, extensions may be granted
  • Applications will only be received online via the link provided below
  • Werribee Rotary only considers grants that will be used for its stated purpose and will not be used in any program that discriminates on the basis of race, sex, religion, colour, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry or age, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law
  • The contact person named in the application form must have direct knowledge of the grant request and be able to answer any questions
  • During the review process, the organisation may be contacted if additional information is required
  • Organisations applying also may be required to submit to a site inspection
  • Werribee Rotary requires a follow-up report of the results of the project from organisations who are awarded grants including a presentation to the club at a Rotary meeting
  • Successful applicants are required to acknowledge the financial assistance provided by Werribee Rotary

Areas of Focus

The following is a list of relevant areas of focus. It is not intended to be all-inclusive and is subject to review, from time to time, by the Grants Committee:
  • Community & Social Development
  • Environment
  • Youth Support
  • Indigenous Support
  • Literacy Programs
  • Mental Health
  • Homelessness
  • Employment & Training
  • Family Violence
  • Older Adult Life Enrichment Programs


The following requests will not be considered:
  • Research projects
  • Grants to individuals
  • Grants to medical organizations/facilities
  • Grants to religious organizations, political organizations and related entities
  • Reimbursement for projects either completed or in progress
  • Requests from other community service clubs e.g. Rotary, Lions
  • Projects where the anticipated outcomes are not able to be measured
  • Funding for additional costs beyond the advised completion of the project
  • Funding for recurrent costs
  • Funding of government and government related entities
  • Fundraising and public relations activities
  • Purchase of land and buildings
  • Personal and travel expenses
  • Multiple unrelated projects under one grant