OUR MEETING 12th March 2024
General Meeting of Members
Pres Kim welcomed members to the Special General Meeting, and advised that a quorum exists.
The meeting has been called to incorporate the recent changes made by Rotary International to their constitution. District 9800 legal officer David Whiting, has issued a draft set of rules for clubs to adopt, which complies with Rotary's requirements.
The motion to adopt the Proposed Rules was moved by G Roper & seconded by I Hovey, with all in attendance in favour. The Secretary will now lodge the revised rules with Corporate Affairs Victoria.
From President Kim:
- We had better numbers at Bingo last night, with 115 players and a profit of $1,550. VicPol are following up the theft of our $1,230 float last week, and with the quality of the pictures and a clear photo of the car registration, an arrest is imminent.
- The next Bunnings BBQ is Thursday 28th March, the day before Good Friday. Andi has put out a call for volunteers, and is waiting to be inundated with calls.
- There will be a working bee at the Rotary Shed at Tino Ballan's on Friday 5th April around 10.00am, to pack the books for transportation to RC of Geelong West.
- Ian & Micki Hovey are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on 23rd March.
From Last Week's Board Meeting
- We will be changing our meeting format from April. The first Tuesday in the month will be a social night at the Bridge. There will be no meeting on the second Tuesday, a Normal meeting with guest speaker on the third Tuesday, then Project updates or Vocational Tour on the Fourth Tuesday.
- We are changing from Bendigo Corporate Bank to the Bendigo Laverton Community Bank. This will get us better access to grant funding.
- Donating 4 x Samsung Tablets to Truganina CFA - $2,836
- Donating $1,000 to Mackillop College breakfast club
- Sponsoring two Mackillop students to MUNA
- Providing football jumpers approx $1,500 - to Werribee District girls football program
- Donating $800 to Reclink, to repair Wyndham Park Primary bicycles
- Donating two marquees with Rotary branding to Wyndham Netball Ass'n
- Donating $1,500 to Wyndham Park Community Food Bank
Guest Speaker - Daniel Schultheis
Manager of the Werribee Men's Shed & the Community Tool Library
Daniel has been Manager of the Werribee Men's Shed in Kookaburra Avenue for a bit over 12 months, and is in the process of commencing the Tool Library.
The Community Men's Shed has been operating for a number of years, with more than 250 people using the shed each week. The men's shed operates on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday.
- The shed provides a number of programs and skill sharing events.
- Social connection is important, and a number of members just come for the social connection, and don't get involved in programs.
- They run a bicycle repair workshop.
- Programs to teach skills to refugees
- Mosaics group
- Community garden
- Wood turning
- Metal work
- Four markets a year, selling items made in the mens shed, and grown in the community garden.
- They recently started a Women's Day on a Monday, and numbers are on the increase.
In April they will be opening the Werribee Tool Library. There are two operating in Victoria in Brunswick & Ballarat, and the Werribee model is based on these.
- They currently have 450 tools which are available for people to borrow.
- People will pay $75 per year, which will allow them to borrow tools.
- Volunteers are being engaged.
- They want to open on Saturdays but need volunteers.
Next Tuesday 26th March.
Our guest speaker this week, Professor Vasso, who will talk about - Inflammation.
We will also be presenting her with a cheque for $25,000 as the proceeds from the Golf Day.
Friends & partners welcome.
Let Pres Kim know by Monday if you are coming, as we have to give the Bridge Hotel numbers.
The Opening Round & Round one are now complete.
This week Ads (who's Ads?) got 8 correct, followed by heaps who got 7. Tiger abandoned his Tigers again, but Ross C & Christine stayed loyal to their Dogs.
Christine Conley got the $20 - being only 2 points off the margin.
The leader Board after 1-1/2 rounds is
- Ads - 10 points
- Peter Ross & Ross S - 9 points
- Nine tippers are in third place with 7.